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What if I have less than 4 teeth on top or bottomUpdated a month ago

Generally, we recommend Pop On Veneers if you have 4 teeth or more on Top or Bottom. If you don't want the veneers to extend to the back, then you may still be a candidate. You're welcome to send pictures of your smile to our designers to confirm that you are a candidate and how pop on veneers can be designed for you here.

Pop On Veneers are a cosmetic lift to your smile! Like wearing a hat when your hair is having that kind of day, Pop On Veneers® are a purely cosmetic way to enhance your appearance without changing what's underneath. They’re not a medical device and they don’t alter or treat any dental conditions—they simply cover your teeth to give you a smile you’ll love to wear. It’s an easy, non-invasive way to feel your best every day and give you the confidence to shine. Your natural teeth stay the same—Pop On Veneers® simply give you a new way to glow. 

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